Don’t worry, be happy. It sounds simple enough (and was a catchy tune in the 80s), but with 2020’s tumultuous state of affairs, it can be difficult to put on a happy face. It’s not every year a global pandemic will literally take over the world and disrupt our lives so irrevocably. But it’s also made us more aware of the value and necessity of self-care, our mental health and the relationships we have, not only with others but also with ourselves. On page 34, you’ll find our 10 Happiness Hacks for 2021 and the simple ways we can make this our best year yet.

With renewed focus on self-care, it’s no surprise that essential oils have made a major comeback in recent years. A large body of research confirms that essential oils have measurable physiological effects on brainwave activity, blood pressure, pulse rates and mood. On page 74, we investigate the ancient art of essential oils and the best oils to help boost your mood and de-stress.

For full-body pampering, check out our Crème de la Crème article on page 92 where we present the luxe list of skin-nurturing body treatment products. We also present a definitive list of the non-surgical body shaping and muscle sculpting cosmetic treatments available (page 100).

After a hot and humid summer, our skin can be looking a little worse for wear. From acne breakouts and brown spots to dry, sun-damaged skin, on page 44 we list the skincare ingredients and products you need to save face from some of the most common skin concerns.

It’s all blue skies and sunshine in this year’s makeup forecast. From glitter lips to coloured eyeliners, 2021 is shaping up to be a year of intense and experimental makeup colours and textures. Check out our Colour Me Happy article on page 66 for products to match this latest makeup trend.

We hope this special issue of CosBeauty helps to lift your spirits and equip you with the products and know-how to complement your live happy philosophy.

You can find more great articles on beauty and wellbeing at, as well as unbiased information on cosmetic enhancement at

Michelle Kearney
